Workshops & Special Issues > WorkshopsThe following Workshops are associated to IEEE ATC 2016. Please check regularly for updates. International Workshop on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services, Enablers and Applications (MCC SEA) Heterogeneous Crowdsourced Data Co-mining for Smart Cities (HCDCSC)
Guidelines for Paper Submission to a Workshop of IEEE ATC 2016: Authors are invited to submit an unpublished original work that must not have been submitted to an other conference, workshop or journal. All papers will be peer-reviewed by members of the Program Committee of the Workshop and be evaluated for originality, significance of the contribution, technical correctness and presentation. Formatting and Publication Instructions: Conference papers need to be prepared according to the IEEE CPS format via IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings. Link to IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings
If you wish to submit a paper to a workshop of IEEE ATC 2016, then you must use the following specific EasyChair submission website and specify the Workshop where you want to submit your paper so that it can be reviewed by the appropriate Workshop Program Committee and its reviewers. Submit a paper to a Workshop of IEEE ATC Paper Publication: The Proceedings of IEEE SmartWorld 2016 and its Workshops will be published by IEEE CPS (IEEE-DL and EI indexed). Each submission should be regarded as an undertaking that if the paper is accepted, then at least one of the authors must register to the conference and present the work in order for the paper to be included in the IEEE Digital Library. Best Paper will be presented to high quality work. Extended versions of papers will be considered for publication in special issues of several journals. IEEE SmartWorld 2016 proceedings will be submitted to IEEE Computer Society Digital Library (IEEE CSDL) and IEEE Xplore [1]. Proceedings will be submitted for EI indexing [2]. [1] While all conferences sponsored by the IEEE and/or published by CPS will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore and the CSDL, all conference proceedings must meet IEEE's quality standards, and IEEE reserves the right not to publish any proceedings that do not meet these standards. [2] The IEEE cannot guarantee that any particular abstract or index entry will be included in EI Compendex or any other indexing service. IEEE makes its best efforts to ensure indexing, but the indexing services are independent organizations not subject to IEEE control. |